Flask > Ultra Yield Flask

Thomson E.coli & Microbial Growth Solution

Ultra Yield™ Flasks는 미생물 배양에 적합하고
기존 플라스크 보다 더 많은 산소처리가 가능합니다.
그리고 AirOtop®seal의 사용으로 원활한 가스교환이 가능 합니다.

Mostly used for:

- Bacteria (E.coli, Pseudomomas, etc.)
- Fungi (Aspergillus, Streptomyces, etc.)
- Yeast (P. pastoris, Saccharomyces, etc.)

Key Benefits:

- Erlenmeyer flasks 와 비교하여 Elevated cell 의 생산량 250% 증가
- DNA와 단백질 생산량 최대 600%까지 증가
- 같은 공간에서 더 많은 배양 가능
- Multitron 과 Minitron과 함께 최상의 배양결과 도출
- 바닥쪽 10개의 주름이 있어 기존 플라스크 보다 Aeration 10배 증가
- 모든 기존 프라스크 홀더에 호환가능
- 125ml- 2.5L까지 제공 (멸균 가능)
- 멸균 후 재사용 가능
- AirOtop Seal : 재사용이 가능한 비독성 접착성 씰로 0.2μm 구멍을 통한
가스교환으로 Areration 증가
-Maximum capacity: 13 x 2.5 L flasks in a Multitron Pro(850mmx470mm)


- Parallel cultivation
- Screening
- Protein expression
- Medienentwicklung
- Scale up
- Process development and optimisation

Ultra Yield™ Flasks
Flask Size 125mL 250mL 500mL 2.5L 2.5L
Part# 931147 931144 931141 931136-B 931136-B-VC
Description 125mL flask, 40-50mL
working Volume - Sterile
250mL flask, 75-110mL
working Volume - Sterile
500mL flask, 125-200mL
working Volume - Sterile.
2.5L flask, 500mL-1L
working Volume - Sterile
2.5L flask w/Vent Cap,
500mL-1L working Volume
- Sterile
Seal Compatibility AirOtop™ (899421)* AirOtop™ (899423)* AirOtop™ (899424)* AirOtop™ (899425)* n/a
Flask Material PP (polypropylene) PP (polypropylene) PP (polypropylene) PP (polypropylene) PP (polypropylene)
Vented Screw Cap n/a n/a n/a 0.2μm PTFE Vented Cap* 0.2μm PTFE Vented Cap
Working Volume 40mL - 50mL 75mL -110mL 125mL - 200mL 500mL - 1L 500mL - 1L
Baffles Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Qty/Case 50 50 25 6 6














* Sold separately




Effect of fask design on E. coli culture growth and production of recombinant protein. (A) The effect of fask type
and growth medium on the observed optical densities of the cultures at A600 following overnight protein
expression. Cultures carried out in Fernbach fasks using either LB medium or TB medium are shown, respectively
at the front (green) and in the center (orange). Cultures grown in Ultra Yield™ fasks in TB medium are shown at the
back (blue). (B) The yields of expressed soluble protein (determined by protein assay and recorded as mg protein
per liter of expression culture) from the IMAC columns following purifcation of the twelve polyHis-tagged
recombinant proteins, each expressed under the three conditions described in Panel A. Clone locations in Panel B
are the same as those in Panel A.
*Economical parallel protein expression screening and scale-up in Escherichia coli. Journal of Structural and
Functional Genomics 2006 Jun;7(2):101-8. Epub 2006 Dec 23.

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LABWIT / THOMSON 제품문의 Tel : 02-338-0059
Fax : 02-338-0079 Email: novapro@daum.net

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